by hopefulneighbo | Jan 5, 2023 | Pursue the Common Good
The internet and social media make it easier than ever for neighbors to connect remotely. Both young and old alike can interact online. While this convenience makes grown-ups more accessible to each other, it also makes children more accessible to predators. The good...
by hopefulneighbo | Oct 12, 2022 | Getting to Know Your Neighbors, Imagine the Possibilities, Neighborhood Well-being, Pursue the Common Good
Every day is a great day to be a good neighbor! However, National Good Neighbor Day gives us an opportunity to pause and focus on neighboring. This year The Hopeful Neighbor Project, along with our partners and everyday neighbors, celebrated all around the country....
by hopefulneighbo | Sep 23, 2022 | Discover the Gifts, Getting to Know Your Neighbors, Imagine the Possibilities, Neighborhood Well-being, Pursue the Common Good
In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a proclamation to establish National Good Neighbor Day and a resolution was later passed by the Senate. Celebrated across the United States on September 28, National Good Neighbor Day is an opportunity to spread neighborly love...
by Jonathan Carone | Sep 1, 2022 | Discover the Gifts, Imagine the Possibilities, Pursue the Common Good
Recently, The Hopeful Neighborhood Project partnered with the Chestnut Avenue Resource Center, a KC-based nonprofit that connects people to area resources. Held in the neighborhood of Oak Park, 19 people attended the interactive “lab.” It was facilitated by Sara...
by Jonathan Carone | Aug 18, 2022 | Pursue the Common Good
You like all of your neighbors, right?! If that is true, then you are very fortunate. When we talk to friends and co-workers about their neighbors, everyone seems to have a story. The neighbor that won’t trim the tree that is dropping leaves in your pool, the neighbor...
by Jonathan Carone | Jun 23, 2022 | Discover the Gifts, Imagine the Possibilities, Pursue the Common Good
In my neighborhood in Minneapolis, we’ve learned firsthand the transformative power of a community garden. They bring people together who might normally not find one other. They create public space in the open that is inviting. They provide neutral territory for folks...