by Pam Rempe | Feb 25, 2025 | Imagine the Possibilities, Pursue the Common Good
Cristina y su esposo llegaron a mi ciudad durante el invierno. Habían viajado un par de días en autobús para reunirse con su familia, pero se encontraron con la desagradable sorpresa de que sus maletas con sus pocas pertenencias, incluida su documentación legal,...
by Pam Rempe | Feb 25, 2025 | Imagine the Possibilities, Pursue the Common Good
Cristina and her husband arrived in my city during winter. They had traveled for a couple of days by bus to reunite with their family, but they were met with the unwelcome surprise that their suitcases containing their few belongings, including their legal documents,...
by Pam Rempe | Feb 18, 2025 | How-to, Imagine the Possibilities
In our home, books can be found in every cozy nook: a basket in the living room, a shelf in the playroom, the nightstands in Mom and Dad’s room, and of course the kids’ bedroom bookshelves. To be completely honest, I often find books on the floor, NEXT to the...
by Pam Rempe | Feb 1, 2025 | How-to, Imagine the Possibilities, Pursue the Common Good
In February, when the red, pink and white adornments and matching candy parade through stores, shops and my home, I find myself curious. How did St. Valentine, the man martyred for resisting the Roman Empire with his love-anchored faith, persist throughout time,...
by Pam Rempe | Jan 28, 2025 | How-to, Imagine the Possibilities
At the end of the summer of 2017, my friends and I threw a going-away party for an air conditioner. … Let me explain. Every summer, Southern California experiences a couple days of sweltering heat. A tropical storm will sneak its way up past Baja and...
by Pam Rempe | Jan 21, 2025 | Imagine the Possibilities, Pursue the Common Good
Leadership in your neighborhood may be the most challenging step, of the ones we’ve discussed in this series, for you to take. Why? Because many people who love and care for their neighborhoods don’t always see themselves as leaders. They often overcomplicate...